产品展示 |
AGIP HYDROIL GF 32/AGIP HYDROIL GF32AGIP HYDROIL GF Eni S.p.A. Divisione Refining & Marketing Via Laurentina 449, 00142 Roma Tel. centralino +39 06 5988.1 eni.it [IN301.10.07] Pagina 1 di 1 PRODUCT DATA SHEETAGIP HYDROIL GF is a line of high quality hydraulic oils specially developed for use in all types of hydraulic systems and equipments. The oils are formulated from selected paraffinic base stocks treated with antirust, antioxidant and antiwear additive CHARACTERISTICS (TYPICAL FIGURES) AGIP HYDROIL GF 32 46 68 Color ASTM - 2 2 2 Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s 32 46 68 Viscosity Index - 100 100 100 Flash Point COC °C 175 190 215 Pour Point °C -27 -27 -27 Mass density at 15°C kg/l 0,875 0,877 0,880 PROPERTIES AND PERFORMANCE They have extremely good oxidation resistance and stability even when subjected to unusually high thermal stresses; this property minimizes sludge and deposit formation, thus preventing blocking of ports, valves and controls, while guaranteeing that the oil remains properly fluid. Maintenance costs are therefore reduced and the useful service life of the oil is extended. The high Viscosity Index of all grades minimizes changes in viscosity throughout the normal range of operating temperatures. The low pour point permits use for a wide range of applications including those where low working temperatures are encountered. The antirust properties ensure effective protection and preservation of all metallic components in the circuit. Their good demulsibiliy prevents the formation of a stable emulsion between the oil and any water which enters the system through leakage or condensation. The fluids therefore maintain their lubricating power and anticorrosion performance even under these circumstances. They have a good antiwear properties thus ensuring efficiency and long life of all moving parts of hydraulic circuits. The ISO VG grade 46 and 68 passes the 11th stage of the FZG test. SPECIFICATIONS AGIP HYDROIL GF products meet the requirements of the following specifications: - DIN 51524 Teil 2 - AFNOR NF E 48603 HM - DENISON HF 2 - VDMA 24318 - BS 4231 HSD - ISO L-HM AGIP HYDROIL GF oil are especially suitable as hydraulic fluid in hydraulic systems. |